PEPL RMFv2 – 5kW Rotating Magnetic Field Thruster

PEPL RMFv2 – 5kW Rotating Magnetic Field Thruster

Thruster PEPL RMFv2 – 5kW Rotating Magnetic Field Thruster PEPL RMFv2 in operation in the Large Vacuum Test Facility Developed 2020 Approx. Specs. Ø20 cm x 35 cm, 10 kg Tested at PEPL 2021 – ongoing Developer PEPL Following the marginal success of the...
Data-Driven Predictive Modeling

Data-Driven Predictive Modeling

Project Data-Driven Predictive Modeling Enhanced electron mobility in a Hall thruster project personnel Matthew Byrne, Joshua Woods, Pete Dahl, Thomas Marks, Benjamin Jorns Principal Investigator Benjamin Jorns project sponsors AFOSR Current computational models of...
Non-Classical Transport in Low-Temperature Plasmas

Non-Classical Transport in Low-Temperature Plasmas

Research Area Non-Classical Transport in Low-Temperature Plasmas In Hall thrusters and some other EP devices, the rate of electron transport across magnetic field lines is orders of magnitude higher than classical collisionality would suggest. The reasons for this are...
Stability of Electric Propulsion Devices

Stability of Electric Propulsion Devices

Research Area Stability of Electric Propulsion Devices Plasma is a naturally dynamic state of matter that can support a host of instabilities that play an important role in how EP devices function; however, when​ discussing the stability of EP systems we typically are...
Data-Driven Modeling and Optimization

Data-Driven Modeling and Optimization

Research Area Data-Driven Modeling and Optimization There are many poorly-understood aspects of EP device physics. The impact of facility backpressure on Hall thruster operation, the anomalous collisionality seen within Hall thrusters, hollow cathodes, and magnetic...