by Ethan Dale | Jan 1, 2003
Thruster NASA Evolutionary Xenon Thruster (NEXT) Laboratory Model (LM4) LM4 operation with beam extraction in PEPL LVTF (chamber lights on). The engine is mounted on the thrust stand. The camera in mounted to an arm (shown in foreground) that is attached to a...
by Ethan Dale | Jan 1, 2002
Thruster T-140 Photograph of the Pratt & Whitney T-140. Developed ? Tested at PEPL 2002 Developer Pratt & Whitney The Pratt & Whitney T-140 is a 3-kW Hall thruster that was tested at PEPL as a part of the Air Force Integrated High Payoff Rocket...
by Ethan Dale | Jan 1, 2002
Thruster T-220 Photograph of the Pratt & Whitney T-220. Developed ? Tested at PEPL 2002 Developer Pratt & Whitney The Pratt & Whitney T-220 is a 10-kW Hall thruster. This thruster was tested at PEPL as a part of the Air Force Integrated High Payoff...
by Ethan Dale | Jan 1, 2002
Thruster NASA-173GT Photograph of the NASA-173GT without the Hall stage cathode, taken prior to testing. Developed 2002 – 2003 Tested at PEPL 2004 Developer PEPL, NASA GRC The NASA-173GT was jointly developed and built by PEPL and NASA Glenn Research Center...
by Ethan Dale | Jan 1, 2002
Thruster BHT-200 Cluster Photograph of the BHT-200 cluster mounted inside the LVTF with diagnostics and with thruster labels. Developed ? Tested at PEPL 2002 Developer Busek This cluster of four 200 W Busek thrusters (4x BHT-200-X3) was tested at PEPL to determine the...