

Thruster T-140 Photograph of the Pratt & Whitney T-140. Developed ? Tested at PEPL 2002 Developer Pratt & Whitney The Pratt & Whitney T-140 is a 3-kW Hall thruster that was tested at PEPL as a part of the Air Force Integrated High Payoff Rocket...


Thruster T-220 Photograph of the Pratt & Whitney T-220. Developed ? Tested at PEPL 2002 Developer Pratt & Whitney The Pratt & Whitney T-220 is a 10-kW Hall thruster. This thruster was tested at PEPL as a part of the Air Force Integrated High Payoff...


Thruster NASA-173GT Photograph of the NASA-173GT without the Hall stage cathode, taken prior to testing. Developed 2002 – 2003 Tested at PEPL 2004 Developer PEPL, NASA GRC The NASA-173GT was jointly developed and built by PEPL and NASA Glenn Research Center...
BHT-200 Cluster

BHT-200 Cluster

Thruster BHT-200 Cluster Photograph of the BHT-200 cluster mounted inside the LVTF with diagnostics and with thruster labels. Developed ? Tested at PEPL 2002 Developer Busek This cluster of four 200 W Busek thrusters (4x BHT-200-X3) was tested at PEPL to determine the...