We’ve put together several short, informative, and often entertaining videos about our research topics for a non-engineering audience. We invite you to take a look at all of them and subscribe to our YouTube Channel!
Madison Allen: An Introduction to Facility Effects in Hall Thruster Testing
Sal Baldinucci: Introduction to ECR Magnetic Nozzle Thrusters
Zach Brown: Instabilities in Hall thruster plasmas
Matt Byrne: Crazy Matt’s Discount Erosion Predictions!
Tate Gill: The Electron Merry-go-Round
Will Hurley: High Power Hall Thrusters
Thomas Marks: How Hall Thrusters Work (and Why We Can’t Simulate Them)
Parker Roberts: Non-Perturbative Laser Diagnostics for Hall Thruster Transport Physics
Chris Sercel: Inductively Mapping the Rotating Magnetic Field Thruster
Leanne Su: BREAKING NEWS! Xenon is CANCELLED! The Future is KRYPTON!
Collin Whittaker: Scaling Electrosprays through Reduced-fidelity Models, Robust Design, & Resilient Architectures