Neutral Flow Evolution in a Six-Kilowatt Hall Thruster
Wengsheng Huang, Alec D. Gallimore and Richard R. Hofer
Evaluation of Facility Effects on Ion Migration in a Hall Thruster Plume
Daniel L. Brown and Alec D. Gallimore
Efficiency of CO2 Dissociation in a Radio-Frequency Discharge
Spencer, Laura and Alec D. Gallimore
Far-Field Plume Measurements of a Nested-Channel Hall Thruster
Liang, R. and Gallimore, A.D.
Two-Axis Laser-Induced Fluorescence of Singly-Charged Xenon inside a 6-kW Hall Thruster
Huang, W., Gallimore, A.D., and Smith, T.B.
The Design Space of a Micro/Nano-Particle Electrostatic Propulsion System
Liu, T. M.
A Time-resolved Investigation of the Hall Thruster Breathing Mode
Lobbia, R. B
Temporal limits of a rapidly swept Langmuir probe
Robert B. Lobbia and Alec D. Gallimore
High-speed dual Langmuir probe
Robert B. Lobbia and Alec D. Gallimore
High-speed dual Langmuir probe
Robert B. Lobbia and Alec D. Gallimore
Mass Spectrometric Analysis of CO2/Ar and CO/Ar Plasma in a Radio Frequency Discharge
Spencer, L. and Gallimore, A.
Evaluation of ion collection area in Faraday probes
Daniel L. Brown and Alec D. Gallimore
Evaluation of ion collection area in Faraday probes
Daniel L. Brown and Alec D. Gallimore
Performance of a Laboratory Hall Thruster with Two Concentric Discharge Channels
R. Liang and A. D. Gallimore
Development of a Cavity Ring-Down Diagnostics for Studying Hall Thruster Channel Erosion
W. Huang, T. B. Smith, C. J. Durot, A. D. Gallimore, and A. P. Yalin
Nanoparticle Field Extraction Thruster (NanoFET): Preliminary Performance Measurements
T. M. Liu, A. D. Gallimore, and B. E. Gilchrist, and P. Y. Peterson
Erosion Characterization via Ion Power Deposition Measurements in a 6-kW Hall Thruster
R. Shastry, A. D. Gallimore, and R. R. Hofer
Development of a 3D Electron Trajectory Model with Monte Carlo Neutral Collisions for the Hall Thruster Near-Field Plume
M. S. McDonald, A. D. Gallimore, R. R. Hofer, and D. M. Goebel
Development of Real-Time Boron Nitride Erosion Monitoring System for Hall Thrusters by Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy
Yamamoto, N. Y., Yalin, A. P., Tao, L, Smith, T. B., Gallimore, A. D., and Arakawa, Y.
Experimental Results for Communications Blackout Amelioration Using Crossed Electric and Magnetic Fields
Kristina Lemmer, Alec Gallimore,Timothy Smith, Christopher Davis, and Peter Peterson
The Influence of Neutral Flow Rate in the Operation of Hall Thrusters
Reid, B. M.
Hydrogen Production in a Radio-Frequency Plasma Source Operating on Water Vapor
Nguyen, S. V. T.
Methodology and Historical Perspective of a Hall Thruster Efficiency Analysis
Daniel Brown, C. Larson, Brian Beal, and Alec Gallimore
Use of a Helicon Source for Development of a Re-Entry Blackout Amelioration System
Lemmer, K. M.