Discharge Chamber Plasma Potential Mapping of a 40-cm NEXT-type Ion Engine
Herman, D. A., Gallimore, A. D.
The Top Hat Electric Propulsion Plume Analyzer (TOPAZ): Preliminary Data on the BHT600 Cluster
Victor, A. L., Zurbuchen, T. H., Gallimore, A. D
Discharge Chamber Plasma Structure of a 40-cm NEXT-type Ion Engine
Herman, D. A., Gallimore, A. D
Diode Laser-Induced Fluorescence of Xenon Ion Velocity Distributions
Smith, T.B., Ngom, B.B., Linnell, J.A., Gallimore, A.D.
Dormant Cathode Plasma Properties and Erosion Analysis in a Multiple-Cathode, High-Power, Rectangular Discharge Chamber
Rovey, J.L., Gallimore, A.D
Design and Operation of a Multiple-Cathode, High-Power, Rectangular Discharge Chamber
Rovey, J.L., Gallimore, A.D.
Effect of Backpressure on Ion Current Density Measurements in Hall Thruster Plumes
Walker, M.L.R., Victor, A.L., Hofer, R.R., and Gallimore, A.D.
Neutral density map of Hall thruster plume expansion in a vacuum chamber
Walker, M.L.R., and Gallimore, A.D.
Development and Characterization of High-Efficiency, High-Specific Impulse Xenon Hall Thrusters
Hofer, R. R
Clustering of Hall Effect Thrusters for High-Power Electric Propulsion Applications
Beal, B. E.
The Development and Characterization of a Two-Stage Hybrid Hall/Ion Thruster,
Peterson, P. Y.
Plasma Properties in the Plume of a Hall Thruster Cluster
Beal, B.E., Gallimore, A.D., Haas, J.M., and Hargus, W.A.
Vacuum Chamber Pressure Maps of a Hall Thruster Cold-Flow Expansion
Walker, M.L.R., Gallimore, A.D., Boyd, I.D., and Cai, C
Evaluation of a Magnetically-Filtered Faraday Probe for measuring the ion current density profile of a Hall thruster
Rovey, J. L., Walker, M. L. R., Gallimore, A. D., Peterson, P. Y.
The Performance and Plume Characterization of a Laboratory Gridless Ion Thruster with Closed Electron Drift Acceleration
Peterson, P. Y., Gallimore, A. D.
Discharge Chamber Plasma Structure of a 30-cm NSTAR-type Ion Engine
Herman, D. A., Gallimore, A. D.
Development of the Top Hat Electric Propulsion Plume Analyzer (TOPAZ)
Victor, A. L., Zurbuchen, T. H., Gallimore, A. D.
Efficiency Analysis of a High-Specific Impulse Hall Thruster
Hofer, R. R., Gallimore, A. D.
Near Discharge Cathode Assembly Plasma Potential Measurements in a 30-cm NSTAR-type Ion Engine amidst Beam Extraction
Herman, D. A., Gallimore, A. D.
Laser-induced Fluorescence Velocimetry of Xe II in the 30-cm NSTAR-type Ion Engine Plume
Smith, T. B., Herman, D. A., Gallimore, A. D., Williams, G. J.
Deconvolution of Ion Velocity Distributions from Laser-Induced Fluorescence Spectra of Xenon Electrostatic Thruster Plumes
Smith, T. B
Ion Voltage Diagnostics in the Far-Field Plume of a High-Specific Impulse Hall Thruster
Hofer, R. R., Haas, J. M., Gallimore, A. D.
Performance Characteristics of a Cluster of 5 kW Laboratory Hall Thrusters
Walker, M. L. R., Gallimore, A. D.
Ion Species Fractions in the Far-Field Plume of a High-Specific Impulse Hall Thruster
Hofer, R. R., Gallimore, A. D.