

Congrats to Sal Baldinucci for passing his preliminary exams and advancing to candidacy!

2022 International Electric Propulsion Conference

We had a number of papers at the 37th annual International Electric Propulsion Conference: Madison G. Allen, Joshua Eckels, Mathew P. Byrne, Alex A. Gorodetsky, and Benjamin A. Jorns, "Application of Optimal Experimental Design to Characterize Pressure Related...


Congratulations to lab co-director Benjamin Jorns on his promotion to the rank of Associate Professor with Tenure


Congrats to William Hurley for passing his preliminary exams and advancing to candidacy!

Amelia Earhart Award

Congratulations to Leanne Su for winning the Zonta International Amelia Earhart Award! For more information on this prestigious award, use the following link:...


Congrats to Madison Allen for receiving the Nasa Space Technology Graduate Research Opportunity (NSTGRO) fellowship!