Stability Analysis of Hollow Cathodes

Stability Analysis of Hollow Cathodes

Project Stability Analysis of Hollow Cathodes A hollow cathode operating with a cylindrical anode the emulates a Hall thruster magnetic field. principal investigator Benjamin Jorns former personnel Marcel Georgin project sponsors NASA Hollow cathodes are used as the...
Stability Analysis of Hall Thrusters

Stability Analysis of Hall Thrusters

Project Stability Analysis of Hall Thrusters The H9 Hall thruster operating on krypton at 400 V and 15 A. At this condition, the breathing mode is particularly coherent at 20 kHz. project personnel Benjamin Jorns principal investigator Benjamin Jorns affiliated...
Rotating Magnetic Field Thrusters

Rotating Magnetic Field Thrusters

Project Rotating Magnetic Field Thrusters PEPL RMFv2 thruster installed in the Large Vacuum Test Facility project personnel Christopher Sercel, Tate Gill principal investigator Benjamin Jorns previous personnel Joshua Woods, David Kirtley associated thrusters XOCOT,...
High-Speed Thruster and Cathode Plasmadynamics

High-Speed Thruster and Cathode Plasmadynamics

Project High-Speed Thruster and Cathode Plasmadynamics Plasma density during a breathing cycle, measured with a high-speed Langmuir probe with transfer function data fusion techniques. project personnel Zachariah Brown, Parker Roberts principal investigator Benjamin...
Non-Intrusive Plasma Diagnostics

Non-Intrusive Plasma Diagnostics

Project Non-Intrusive Plasma Diagnostics Photo showing the X2 thruster and collection optics during a recent time-averaged LIF test. project personnel Zach Brown, Parker Roberts principal investigator Benjamin Jorns previous personnel Marcel Georgin, Matthew Byrne,...