Nanoparticle Electric Propulsion: Experimental Results
Musinski, L., Liu, T., Gilchrist, B., Gallimore, A.D., and Keidar, M.
Development, Fabrication and Testing of a 15-cm-diameter Helicon Source for Reentry Simulation
Lemmer, K. M., Gallimore, A. D., Morris, D. P., Davis, C., Boyd, I, and Keidar, M.
The Student Space Systems Fabrication Laboratory: An Approach to Space Systems Engineering Education
Liu, T., Deline, C., Ramos, R., Sandoval, S., Smetana, A., Gilchrist, B., Washabaugh, P., and Renno, N
Development, Fabrication and Testing of a 15-cm-diameter Helicon Source
Lemmer, K. M., Gallimore, A. D., Morris, D. P., Davis, C., Boyd, I., and Keidar, M
Breakdown and Ignition Limits in LaB6 Hollow Cathode Discharges
Tang, R., Nguyen, S., Smith, T.B., and Gallimore, A.D.
Optogalvanic spectroscopy of the Zeeman effect in xenon
Smith, T.B., Ngom, B., and Gallimore, A.D.
Ion Collection in Hall Thruster Plumes
Walker, M.L.R., Hofer, R.R., and Gallimore, A.D.
Top hat electrostatic analyzer for far-field electric propulsion plume diagnostics
Victor, A.L., Zurbuchen, T.H., and Gallimore, A.D.
Magnetically filtered Faraday probe for measuring the ion current density profile of a Hall thruster
Rovey, J.L., Walker, M.L.R., Gallimore, A.D., and Peterson, P.Y.
The Use of Electrostatic Probes to Characterize the Discharge Plasma Structure and Identify Discharge Cathode Erosion Mechanisms in Ring-Cusp Ion Thrusters
Herman, D. A.
Plasma properties downstream of a low-power Hall thruster
Beal, B.E., Gallimore, A.D., and Hargus, W.A.
Effects of Facility Backpressure on the Performance and Plume of a Hall Thruster
Walker, M. L. R
A Field Reversed Configuration Plasma Device for Space Propulsion
D. Kirtley, J. M. Haas, A. Gallimore
Development of the Top Hat Electric Propulsion Plume Analyzer (TOPAZ): Mass Analyzer Design and Preliminary Calibration Data
Victor, A. L., Zurbuchen, T., Gallimore, A. D.
Potential Structure and Propellant Flow Rate Theory for Ion Thruster Discharge Cathode Erosion
Rovey, J. L., Herman, D. A., Gallimore, A. D.
Scalable Flat-Panel Nano-Particle MEMS/NEMS Thruster
Musinski, L., Liu, T., Gilchrist, B., Gallimore, A. D., and Keidar, M.
Internal Plasma Structure Measurements of a Hall Thruster Using Xenon and Krypton Propellant
Linnell, J. A., Gallimore, A. D
Details on an Annular Field Reversed Configuration Plasma Device for Spacecraft Propulsion
Kirtley, D., Brown, D., Gallimore, A. D.
Experimental Investigation of Electron Collection to Solid and Slotted Tape Probes in a High-Speed Flowing Plasma
Choiniere, E., Bilén, S.G., Gilchrist, B.E., Fuhrhop, K.R., Gallimore, A.D.
Evaluation and Active Control of Clustered Hall Thruster Discharge Oscillations
Lobbia, R.B., Gallimore, A.D.
Internal Plasma Structure Measurements of a Hall Thruster Using Plasma Lens Focusing
Linnell, J.A., Gallimore, A.D
Efficiency Analysis of a Hall Thruster Operating with Krypton and Xenon
Linnell, J.A., Gallimore, A.D.
Discharge Cathode Electron Energy Distribution Functions in a 40-cm NEXT-type Ion Engine
Herman, D. A., Gallimore, A. D.
The Effects of Cathode Configuration on Hall Thruster Cluster Plume Properties
Beal, B.E., Gallimore, A.D., and Hargus, Jr., W.A