Journal Publications

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  • Roberts, P.J., Brown, Z.A., and Jorns, B.A, “Hollow cathode electron properties are consistent with marginally stable turbulence“, Applied Physics Letters,, February, 2025

  • Whittaker, C.B. and Jorns, B.A, “Statistical Characterization of Emitter Fabrication over Electrospray Array Thruster“, Journal of Propulsion and Power,, November, 2024

  • Eckels, J.D., Marks, T.A., Allen, M.G., Jorns, B.A, Gorodetsky, A.A., “Hall thruster model improvement by multidisciplinary uncertainty quantification“, Journal of Electric Propulsion,, September, 2024

  • Roberts, P. J., Chaplin, V. H., and Jorns, B. A., “Azimuthal ion dynamics at the inner pole of an axisymmetric Hall thruster“, Physics of Plasmas,, August, 2024

  • Jorns, B.A., Byrne, M., Roberts, P., Su, L., Dale, E., Hofer, R.R., “Mode transitions in a magnetically shielded Hall thruster. II. Stability criterion“, Journal of Applied Physics,, August 2024

  • Jorns, B.A., Dale, E., Hofer, R.R., “Mode transitions in a magnetically shielded Hall thruster. I. Experimentally informed model“, Journal of Applied Physics,, August 2024

  • Su, L.L., Marks, T.A., and Jorns, B.A., “Trends in Mass Utilization of a Magnetically Shielded Hall Thruster Operating on Xenon and Krypton“, Plasma Sources Sciences and Technology,, June 2024

  • Su, L.L., Roberts, P.J., Gill, T.M., Hurley, W.J., Marks, T.A., Sercel, C.L., Allen, M.G., Whittaker, C.B., Viges, E., and Jorns, B.A., “High-Current Density Performance of a Magnetically Shielded Hall Thruster“, Journal of Propulsion and Power,, May 2024

  • Roberts, P.J. and Jorns, B.A., “Laser Measurement of Anomalous Electron Diffusion in a Crossed-Field Plasma“, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 132, 135301,, March 2024

  • Gill, T.M., Sercel, C.L., and Jorns, B.A., “Experimental investigation into efficiency loss in rotating magnetic field thrusters“, Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 33 015006,, January 2024

  • Brown, Zachariah A., and Jorns, Benjamin A., “Anomalous cross-field transport in a Hall thruster inferred from direct measurement of instability growth rates“, Physical Review E,, December 2023

  • Sercel, Chris L., Gill, Tate M., and Jorns, Benjamin A., “Inductive probe measurements in a rotating magnetic field thruster“, Plasma Sources Science and Technology,, October 2023

  • Marks, Thomas A and Jorns, Benjamin A., “Evaluation of algebraic models of anomalous transport in a multi-fluid Hall thruster code“, Journal of Applied Physics,, October 2023

  • Whittaker, Collin B. and Jorns, Benjamin A, “Modeling multi-site emission in porous electrosprays resulting from variable electric field and meniscus size“, Journal of Applied Physics,, August 2023

  • Marks, Thomas A. Schedler, P. Jorns, Benjamin A, “HallThruster.jl: a Julia package for 1D Hall thruster discharge simulation“, Journal of Open Source Software,, July 2023

  • Marks, Thomas A. Jorns, Benjamin A, “Challenges with the self-consistent implementation of closure models for anomalous electron transport in fluid simulations of Hall thrusters“, Plasma Sources Science and Technology,, April 2023

  • Zachariah A. Brown and Benjamin A. Jorns, “Growth and Saturation of the Electron Drift Instability in a Crossed Field Plasma“, Physical Review Letters,, March 2023

  • Benjamin A. Jorns, and Trevor Lafluer, “Foundations of Plasmas as Ion Sources“, Plasma Sources Science and Technology,, January 9, 2023

  • Benjamin A. Jorns, Ioannis Mikellides, Stephane Mazouffre, and Hiroyuki Koizumi, “Physics of Electric Propulsion“, Journal of Applied Physics,, September 19, 2022

  • Benjamin N. Wachs and Benjamin A. Jorns, “Sub-Millinewton Thrust Stand and Wireless Power Coupler for Microwave Powered Small Satellite Thrusters“, Review of Scientific Instruments,, August 11, 2022

  • Mackenzie E. Meyer, Matthew P. Byrne, Iain D. Boyd, and Benjamin A. Jorns, “Quantifying Uncertainty in Predictions of Spacecraft Erosion Induced by a Hall Thruster“, Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets,, December 22, 2021

  • Leanne L. Su and Benjamin A. Jorns, “Performance Comparison of a 9-kW Magnetically-Shielded Hall Thruster Operating on Xenon and Krypton“, Journal of Applied Physics,, October 7, 2021

  • Shadrach Hepner, Edward Tang, Ethan Dale, and Benjamin A Jorns, “Rotational Waves in the Plume of an Externally-Mounted Hall Thruster Cathode“, AIAA Journal of Propulsion and Power,, August 5, 2021

  • Scott J. Hall, Benjamin A. Jorns, Alec D. Gallimore, Hani Kamhawi, Wenshang Huang, “Plasma Plume Characterization of a 100-kW Nested Hall Thruster“, AIAA Journal of Propulsion and Power,, July 29, 2021

  • Scott J. Hall, Benjamin A. Jorns, Sarrh E. Cusson, Alec D. Gallimore, Hani Kamhawi, Peter Y. Peterson, Thomas W. Haag, Jonathan A. Mackey, Matthew J. Baird, James H. Gilland, “Performance and High-Speed Characterization of a 100-kW Nested Hall Thruster“, AIAA Journal of Propulsion and Power,, July 21, 2021

  • Benjamin Jorns and Matthew Byrne, “Model for the dependence of cathode voltage in a Hall thruster on facility pressure“, University of Michigan,, 2020

  • Kaganovich, Igor D. et al, “Perspectives on Physics of ExB Discharges Relevant to Plasma Propulsion and Similar Technologies“, University of Michigan,, 2020

  • Georgin, Marcel P; Jorns, Benjamin A., “Transient non-classical transport in the hollow cathode plume II: evaluation of models for the anomalous collision frequency“, University of Michigan,, 2020

  • Georgin, Marcel P; Jorns, Benjamin A. Gallimore, Alec D, “Transient non-classical transport in the hollow cathode plume I: measurements of time-varying electron collision frequency“, University of Michigan,, 2020

  • Dale, Ethan; Jorns, Benjamin; Gallimore, Alec, “Future Directions for Electric Propulsion Research“, ,, August 17, 2020

  • Polzin, Kurt; Martin, Adam; Little, Justin; Promislow, Curtis; Jorns, Benjamin; Woods, Joshua, “State-of-the-Art and Advancement Paths for Inductive Pulsed Plasma Thrusters“, ,, July 30, 2020

  • Hall, Scott; Jorns, Benjamin; Gallimore, Alec, “Operation of a High-Power Nested Hall Thruster with Reduced Cathode Flow Fraction“, University of Michigan,, July 12, 2020

  • Hepner, Shadrach; Wachs, Benjamin; Jorns, Benjamin, “Wave-Driven Non-Classical Electron Transport in a Low Temperature Magnetically Expanding Plasma“, University of Michigan,, July 1, 2020

  • Benjamin A. Jorns, Sarah E. Cusson, Zachariah Brown, and Ethan Dale, “Non-classical electron transport in the cathode plume of a Hall effect thruster“, Physics of Plasmas, 27, 022311, 18 February 2020

  • Benjamin Wachs, Benjamin Jorns, “Background pressure effects on ion dynamics in a low-power magnetic nozzle thruster“, Plasma Sources Science and Technology, Vol. 29 No. 4, 10 February 2020

  • Brown, Z.A. and Jorns, B.A., “Spatial Evolution of Small Wavelength Fluctuations in a Hall Thruster“, Physics of Plasmas, 26, 113504, 2019

  • Collard, T.A., and Jorns, B.A., “Magnetic nozzle efficiency in a low power inductive plasma source“, Plasma Sources Science and Technology, Vol. 28 No. 10, 29 October 2019

  • Cusson, Sarah E., “Non-invasive in situ measurement of the near-wall ion kinetic energy in a magnetically shielded Hall thruster“, Plasma Sources Science and Technology, Vol. 28 No. 10, 21 October 2019

  • M.P. Georgin, B.A. Jorns, and A.D. Gallimore, “Correlation of ion acoustic turbulence with self-organization in a low-temperature plasma“, Physics of Plasmas, Vol. 26, Issue 8, 082308, 2019

  • D.R. Lev, I.G. Mikellides, D. Pedrini, D.M. Goebel, B.A. Jorns, and M.S. McDonald, “Recent progress in research and development of hollow cathodes for electric propulsion“, Reviews of Modern Plasma Physics, (2019) 3:6

  • C. Dodson, B.A. Jorns, and R.E. Wirz, “Measurements of ion velocity and wave propagation in a hollow cathode plume“, Plasma Sources Science and Technology, [accepted], 2019

  • S.E. Cusson, E.T. Dale, B.A. Jorns, and A.D. Gallimore, “Acceleration region dynamics in a magnetically shielded Hall thruster“, Physics of Plasmas, Vol. 26, Issue 2, 023506, 2019

  • E.T. Dale and B.A. Jorns, “Non-invasive time-resolved measurements of anomalous collision frequency in a Hall thruster“, Physics of Plasmas, Vol. 26, Issue 1, 013516, 2019

  • A. Lopez Ortega, I.G. Mikellides, M.J. Sekerak, and B.A. Jorns, “Plasma simulations in 2-D (r-z) geometry for the assessment of pole erosion in a magnetically shielded Hall thruster“, Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 125, Issue 3, 033302, 2019

  • V.H. Chaplin, B.A. Jorns, A. Lopez Ortega, I.G. Mikellides, R.W. Conversano, R.B. Lobbia, and R.R. Hofer, “Laser-induced fluorescence measurements of acceleration zone scaling in the 12.5 kW HERMeS Hall thruster“, Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 124, Issue 18, 183302, 2018

  • Jorns, B., “Predictive, data-driven model for the anomalous electron collision frequency in a Hall effect thruster“, Plasma Sources Science and Technology, Vol. 27, No. 10, 10.1088/1361-6595, 2018

  • Dodson, C.A., Perez-Grande, D., Jorns, B.A., Goebel, D.M., and Wirz, R.E., “Ion heating measurements on the centerline of a high-current hollow cathode plume“, Journal of Propulsion and Power, Vol. 34, No. 5, 10.2514/1.B36788, September-October 2018

  • Lopez Ortega, A., Jorns, B.A., and Mikellides, I.G., “Hollow cathode simulations with a first-principles model of ion-acoustic anomalous resistivity“, Journal of Propulsion and Power, Vol. 34, No. 4, 10.2514/1.B36782, July-August 2018

  • S.E. Cusson, M.P. Georgin, H.C. Dragnea, E.T. Dale, V. Dhaliwal, and A.D. Gallimore, “On channel interactions in nested Hall thrusters“, Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 123, 133303, 2018

  • Ebersohn, F.H., Sheehan, J.P, Gallimore, A.G, and Shebalin, J.V., “Kinetic simulation technique for plasma flow in strong external magnetic field“, Journal of Computational Physics 351, 358-375, 2017

  • Jorns, B.A., Dodson, C., Goebel, D.M., and Wirz, R., “Propagation of ion acoustic wave energy in the plume of a high-current LaB6 hollow cathode“, Physical Review E 96, 023208, 23 August 2017

  • Cusson, S.E., Dale, E.T., and Gallimore, A.D., “Investigation of Channel Interactions in a Nested Hall Thruster“, Journal of Propulsion and Power, 2016

  • D.B. Araya, F.H. Ebersohn, S.E. Anderson, S.S. Girimaji, “Magneto-Gas Kinetic Method for Nonideal Magnetohydrodynamics Flows: Verification Protocol and Plasma Jet Simulations“, Journal Fluids Engineering, 10.1115/1.4030067, 2015

  • J.P. Sheehan, B.W. Longmier, E.A. Bering, C.S. Olsen, J.P. Squire, M.G. Ballenger, M.D. Carter, L.D. Cassady, F.R. Chang Díaz, T.W. Glover and A.V. Ilin, “Temperature gradients due to adiabatic plasma expansion in a magnetic nozzle“, Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 10.1088/0963-0252/23/4/045014, 2014

  • Chris J. Durot, Alec D. Gallimore, and Timothy B. Smith, “Validation and evaluation of a novel time-resolved laser-induced fluorescence technique“, Review of Scientific Instruments, Art. No. 013508 , Vol. 85, 2014

  • K. Hara, M.J. Sekerak, I.D. Boyd, and A.D. Gallimore, “Mode transition of a Hall thruster discharge plasma“, Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 115, Issue 20, pg. 203304, 2014

  • B.C. Lee, W. Huang, L. Tao, N. Yamamoto, A.D. Gallimore, and A.P. Yalin, “A cavity ring-down spectroscopy sensor for real-time Hall thruster erosion measurements“, Review of Scientific Instruments, 10.1063/1.4879135 Vol. 85, 2014

  • K. Hara, M.J. Sekerak, I.D. Boyd, and A.D. Gallimore, “Perturbation analysis of ionization oscillations in Hall effect thrusters“, Physics of Plasmas, Vol. 21, Issue. 20, pg. 122103, 2014

  • M.J. Sekerak, B.W. Longmier, A.D. Gallimore, D.L. Brown, R.R. Hofer, and J.E. Polk, “Azimuthal Spoke Propagation in Hall Effect Thrusters“, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 10.1109/TPS.2014.2355223 Vol. PP, Issue 99, Oct. 2014

  • Adam Shabshelowitz, Alec D. Gallimore and Peter Y. Peterson, “Performance of a Helicon Hall Thruster Operating with Xenon, Argon, and Nitrogen“, AIAA Journal of Propulsion and Power, DOI: 10.2514/1.B35041 , Vol. 30, No. 3, May-June 2014

  • M.J. Sekerak, A.D. Gallimore, D.L. Brown, R.R. Hofer, and J.E. Polk, “Mode Transitions in Hall-Effect Thrusters Induced by Variable Magnetic Field Strength“, AIAA Journal of Propulsion and Power, 10.2514/1.B35709, March 2016

  • B. Longmier, J. Squire, C. Olsen, L. Cassady, M. Ballenger, M. Carter, A. Ilin, T. Glover, G. McCaskill, F. Chang-Diaz, E. Bering, “Improved Efficiency and Throttling Range of the VX-200 Magnetoplasma Thruster“, AIAA Journal of Propulsion and Power, DOI: 10.2514/1.B34801 , Vol. 30, No. 1, January-February 2014

  • Wengsheng Huang, Alec D. Gallimore, and Timothy B. Smith, “Interior and Near-wall Ion Velocity Distribution Functions in the H6 Hall Thruster“, AIAA Journal of Propulsion and Power, DOI: 10.2514/1.B34712 , Vol. 29, No. 5, pp. 1146-1154, September-October 2013

  • Adam Shabshelowitz and Alec D. Gallimore, “Performance and Probe Measurements of a Radiofrequency Plasma Thruster“, AIAA Journal of Propulsion and Power, DOI: 10.2514/1.B34720 , Vol. 29, No. 4, pp. 919-929, July-August 2013

  • Benjamin W. Longmier, Alec D. Gallamore, Noah Hershkowitz, “Hydrogen production from methane using an RF plasma source in total nonambipolar flow“, Plasma Sources Science & Technology, DOI: 10.1088/0963-0252/21/1/015007, vol. 21, no. 1, February 2012

  • Michael S. McDonald and Alec D. Gallimore, “Rotating Spoke Instabilities in Hall Thrusters“, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 10.1109/TPS.2011.2161343 vol. 39, no. 11, pp. 2952-2953, Nov. 2011

  • Wengsheng Huang, Alec D. Gallimore and Richard R. Hofer, “Neutral Flow Evolution in a Six-Kilowatt Hall Thruster“, Journal of Propulsion and Power, DOI: 10.2514/1.B34048 , 0748-4658, Vol. 27, No. 3, pp. 553-563, May-June 2011

  • Daniel L. Brown and Alec D. Gallimore, “Evaluation of Facility Effects on Ion Migration in a Hall Thruster Plume“, Journal of Propulsion and Power, DOI: 10.2514/1.B34068 , 0748-4658, Vol. 27, No. 3, pp. 573-585, May-June 2011

  • Spencer, Laura and Alec D. Gallimore, “Efficiency of CO2 Dissociation in a Radio-Frequency Discharge“, Plasma Chem. and Plasma Proc, DOI: 10.1007/s11090-010-9273-0 , Volume 31, Number 1, pp. 79-89, February 2011

  • Robert B. Lobbia and Alec D. Gallimore, “Temporal limits of a rapidly swept Langmuir probe“, Physics of Plasmas, Art. No. 073502 , Vol. 17, Issue 7, July 2010

  • Robert B. Lobbia and Alec D. Gallimore, “High-speed dual Langmuir probe“, Review of Scientific Instruments, Art. No. 073503 , Vol. 81, Issue 7, July 2010

  • Daniel L. Brown and Alec D. Gallimore, “Evaluation of ion collection area in Faraday probes“, Review of Scientific Instruments, Art. No. 063504 , Vol. 81, Issue 6, June 2010

  • Yamamoto, N. Y., Yalin, A. P., Tao, L, Smith, T. B., Gallimore, A. D., and Arakawa, Y., “Development of Real-Time Boron Nitride Erosion Monitoring System for Hall Thrusters by Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy“, Trans. JSASS Science Tech. Japan, doi: 10.2322/tstj.7.Pb_1 , vol. 7, no. ists26 Pb_1-Pb_6, 2009

  • Kristina Lemmer, Alec Gallimore,Timothy Smith, Christopher Davis, and Peter Peterson, “Experimental Results for Communications Blackout Amelioration Using Crossed Electric and Magnetic Fields“, Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, doi: 10.2514/1.45490 , 0022-4650 vol. 46, no. 6 (1100-1109), November-December 2009

  • Daniel Brown, C. Larson, Brian Beal, and Alec Gallimore, “Methodology and Historical Perspective of a Hall Thruster Efficiency Analysis“, Journal of Propulsion and Power, doi: 10.2514/1.38092 , 0748-4658 vol. 25, no. 6 (1163-1177), November-December 2009

  • Sonca V. T. Nguyen, John E. Foster, and Alec D. Gallimore, “Operating a radio-frequency plasma source on water vapor“, Review of Scientific Instruments, Art. No. 083503 , Vol. 80, Issue 8, August 2009

  • Benjamin Longmier, University of Houston; Bryan Reid, University of Michigan; Alec Gallimore, University of Michigan; Franklin Chang-Diaz, Ad Astra Rocket Company; Jared Squire, Ad Astra Rocket Company; Tim Glover, Ad Astra Rocket Company; Greg Chavers, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center; Edgar Bering, University of Houston, “Validating a Plasma Momentum Flux Sensor to an Inverted Pendulum Thrust Stand“, Journal of Propulsion and Power, DOI: 10.2514/1.35706, 0748-4658 vol.25 no.3 (746-752), June 2009

  • Rohit Shastry, Richard R. Hofer, Bryan M. Reid, and Alec D. Gallimore, “Method for analyzing E×B probe spectra from Hall thruster plumes“, Review of Scientific Instruments, Art. No. 063502 , Vol. 80, Issue 6, June 2009

  • Lemmer, K. M., Gallimore, A. D. and Smith, T. B., “Using a helicon source to simulate atmospheric re-entry plasma densities and temperatures in a laboratory setting“, Plasma Sources Science and Technology, DOI: 10.1088/0963-0252/18/2/025019 , Vol. 18, Issue 2, May 2009

  • Musinski, L.D., Liu, T.M., Gilchrist, B.E., and Gallimore, A.D., “Electrostatic Charging of Micro- and Nano-Particles for Use with Highly Energetic Applications“, Journal of Electrostatics, November 2008

  • Baïlo B. Ngom, Timothy B. Smith, Wensheng Huang, and Alec D. Gallimore, “Numerical simulation of the Zeeman effect in neutral xenon from NIR diode-laser spectroscopy“, Journal of Applied Physics, Art. No. 023303 , Vol. 104, Issue 2, July 2008

  • Daniel A. Herman and Alec D. Gallimore, “An ion thruster internal discharge chamber electrostatic probe diagnostic technique using a high-speed probe positioning system“, Review of Scientific Instruments, Art. No. 013302 , Vol. 79, Issue 1, January 2008

  • Joshua L. Rovey and Alec D. Gallimore, “Ion energy measurements near a dormant cathode in a multiple-cathode gridded ion thruster“, Physics of Plasmas, Art. No. 033505 , Vol. 14, Issue 3, March 2007

  • Joshua Rovey and Alec Gallimore, “Performance and Flatness of a Multiple-Cathode, Rectangular Ion Thruster Discharge Chamber“, Journal of Propulsion and Power, doi: 10.2514/1.21325 , 0748-4658 vol. 23, no. 1 (44-50), January-February 2007

  • Thomas M. Liu, Louis D. Musinski, Prashant R. Patel, Alec D. Gallimore, Brian E. Gilchrist, and Michael Keidar, “Nanoparticle Electric Propulsion for Space Exploration“, AIP Conf. Proc., doi:10.1063/1.2437518 , Vol. 880, Issue 1, January 2007

  • Linnell, J.A., and Gallimore, A.D., “Internal plasma potential measurements of a Hall thruster using xenon and krypton propellant“, Physics of Plasmas, Art. No. 103504 , Vol. 13, Issue 10, October 2006

  • Linnell, J.A., and Gallimore, A.D., “Internal plasma potential measurements of a Hall thruster using plasma lens focusing“, Physics of Plasmas, Art. No. 093502 , Vol. 13, Issue 9, September 2006

  • Patel, P., Scheeres, D., and Gallimore, A.D., “Maximizing Payload Mass Fractions of Spacecraft for Interplanetary Electric Propulsion Missions“, Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, 0022-4650 vol.43 no.4 (822-827), July-August 2006

  • Hofer, R.R., Jankovsky, R.S., and Gallimore, A.D., “High-Specific Impulse Hall Thrusters, Part 1: Influence of Current Density and Magnetic Field“, Journal of Propulsion and Power, 0748-4658 vol.22 no.4 (721-731), July-August 2006

  • Linnell, J.A., and Gallimore, A.D., “Krypton Performance Optimization in High-Voltage Hall Thrusters“, Journal of Propulsion and Power, 0748-4658 vol.22 no.4 (921-925), July-August 2006

  • Hofer, R.R., and Gallimore, A.D., “High-Specific Impulse Hall Thrusters, Part 2: Efficiency Analysis“, Journal of Propulsion and Power, 0748-4658 vol.22 no.4 (732-740), July-August 2006

  • Walker, M.L.R., Hofer, R.R., and Gallimore, A.D., “Ion Collection in Hall Thruster Plumes“, Journal of Propulsion and Power, 0748-4658 vol.22 no.1 (205-209), January-February 2006

  • Victor, A.L., Zurbuchen, T.H., and Gallimore, A.D., “Top hat electrostatic analyzer for far-field electric propulsion plume diagnostics“, Review of Scientific Instruments, Art. No. 013505 , Volume 77, January 2006

  • Rovey, J.L., Walker, M.L.R., Gallimore, A.D., and Peterson, P.Y., “Magnetically filtered Faraday probe for measuring the ion current density profile of a Hall thruster“, Review of Scientific Instruments, Art. No. 013503 , Volume 77, January 2006

  • Beal, B.E., Gallimore, A.D., and Hargus, W.A., “Plasma properties downstream of a low-power Hall thruster“, Physics of Plasmas, Art. No. 123503 , Vol. 12, Issue 12, December 2005

  • Choiniere, E., Bilén, S.G., Gilchrist, B.E., Fuhrhop, K.R., Gallimore, A.D., “Experimental Investigation of Electron Collection to Solid and Slotted Tape Probes in a High-Speed Flowing Plasma“, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, Art. No. 01495579 , Volume 33, Issue 4, Part 2, Page(s):1310 - 1323, August 2005

  • Walker, M.L.R., Victor, A.L., Hofer, R.R., and Gallimore, A.D., “Effect of Backpressure on Ion Current Density Measurements in Hall Thruster Plumes“, Journal of Propulsion and Power, 0748-4658 vol.21 no.3 (408-415), May-June 2005

  • Walker, M.L.R., and Gallimore, A.D., “Neutral density map of Hall thruster plume expansion in a vacuum chamber“, Review of Scientific Instruments, Art. No. 053509 , Volume 76, May 2005

  • Beal, B.E., Gallimore, A.D., Haas, J.M., and Hargus, W.A., “Plasma Properties in the Plume of a Hall Thruster Cluster“, Journal of Propulsion and Power, 0748-4658 vol.20 no.6 (985-991), December 2004

  • Walker, M.L.R., Gallimore, A.D., Boyd, I.D., and Cai, C, “Vacuum Chamber Pressure Maps of a Hall Thruster Cold-Flow Expansion“, Journal of Propulsion and Power, 0748-4658 vol.20 no.6 (1127-1132), November-December 2004

  • Domonkos, M. T., Patterson, M. J., and Gallimore, A. D., “Low-Current, Xenon Orificed Hollow Cathode Performance for In-Space Applications“, Journal of Propulsion and Power, Vol. 19, No. 3, pp. 438-443, May-June 2003

  • Kim, S., and Gallimore, A. D., “Plume Study of a 1.35-kW SPT-100 Using an ExB Probe“, Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 39, No. 6, pp. 904-909, November-December 2002

  • Gilchrist, B.E., Bilén, S.G., Choiniere, E., Gallimore, A.D., Smith, T.B., “Analysis of chamber simulations of long collecting probes in high-speed dense plasmas“, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, Art. No. 01178020 , Volume 30, Issue 5, Part 2, Page(s):2023 - 2034, October 2002

  • Peterson, P. Y., Gallimore, A. D., and Haas, J. M., “An experimental investigation of the internal magnetic field topography of an operating Hall thruster“, Physics of Plasmas, Vol. 9, No. 10, 4354-4362, Oct. 2002

  • Williams, G. J., Smith, T. B., Gulczinski, F. S., Gallimore, A. D., “Correlating Laser Induced Fluorescence and Molecular Beam Mass Spectrometry Ion Energy Distributions“, Journal of Propulsion and Power, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 489-491, March-April 2002

  • Haas, J. M., and Gallimore, A. D., “Considerations on the Role of the Hall Current in a Laboratory-Model Thruster“, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, Vol. 30, No. 2, 687-697, April 2002

  • Bilén, S. G., Domonkos, M. T., and Gallimore, A. D., “Simulating Ionospheric Plasma with a Hollow Cathode in a Large Vacuum Chamber“, Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 38, No. 4, pp. 617-621, July-August 2001

  • Gallimore, A. D., “Near- and Far-Field Characterization of Stationary Plasma Thruster Plumes“, Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 38, No. 3, pp. 441-453, May-June 2001

  • Gulczinski, F.S., and Gallimore, A.D., “Near-Field Ion Energy and Species Measurements of a 5-kW Hall Thruster“, Journal of Propulsion and Power, Vol. 17, No.2, pp. 418-427, March-April, 2001

  • Haas, J.M., and Gallimore, A.D., “Internal Plasma Potential Profiles in a Laboratory-Model Hall Thruster“, Physics of Plasmas, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 652-660, February 2001

  • King, L. B., and Gallimore, A. D., “Mass Spectral Measurements in the Plume of an SPT-100 Hall Thruster“, Journal of Propulsion and Power, Vol. 16, No. 6, November-December, 2000

  • Haas, J. M., Gallimore, A. D., McFall, K., and Spanjers, G., “Development of a High-Speed, Reciprocating Electrostatic Probe System for Hall Thruster Interrogation“, Review of Scientific Instruments, Vol. 71, No. 11, pp. 4131-4138, November 2000

  • Williams, G. J., Smith, T. B., Domonkos, M. T., Gallimore, A. D., and Drake, R. P., “Laser-Induced Fluorescence Characterization of Ion Emitted from Hollow Cathodes“, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, Vol. 28, No. 5, pp. 1664-1674, October 2000

  • King, L. B., and Gallimore, A. D., “Ion-Energy Diagnostics in the Plasma Exhaust of a Hall Thruster“, Journal of Propulsion and Power, Vol. 16, No. 5, September-October, 2000

  • Van Noord, J., Gallimore, A. D., and Rawlin, V. K., “Numerical Thermal Model of NASA Solar Electric Propulsion Technology Application Readiness Ion Thruster“, Journal of Propulsion and Power, Vol. 16, No. 2, 357-364, March-April, 2000

  • Domonkos, M. T., Gallimore, A. D., Marrese, C. M., and Haas, J. M., “Very Near-Field Plume Investigation of the Anode Layer Thruster“, Journal of Propulsion and Power, Vol. 16, No. 1, January-February 2000

  • Oh, D. Y., Hastings, D. E., Marrese, C. M., Haas, J. M., and Gallimore, A. D., “Modeling of Stationary Plasma Thruster-100 Thruster Plumes and Implications for Satellite Design“, Journal of Propulsion and Power, Vol. 15, No. 2, pp. 345-357, April 1999

  • Ohler, S. G., Gilchrist, B. E., and Gallimore, A. D., “Electromagnetic Signal Modification in a Localized High Speed Plasma Flow: Simulations and Experimental Validation of a Stationary Plasma Thruster (SPT)“, , IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, April 1999

  • Ohler, S. G., Gilchrist, B. E., Gallimore, A. D., “Microwave Plume Measurements of a Stationary Plasma Thruster“, Journal of Propulsion and Power, Vol. 14, No. 6, 1016-1021, Nov.-Dec. 1998

  • Domonkos, M. T., Gallimore, A. D., and Bilén, S., “A Hall Probe Diagnostic for Low Density Plasma Accelerators“, Review of Scientific Instruments, Vol. 69, No. 6, 2546-2549, June 1998

  • King, L. B., Gallimore, A. D., and Marrese, C. M., “Transport Property Measurements in the Plume of an SPT-100 Hall Thruster“, Journal of Propulsion and Power, Vol. 14, No. 3, 327- 335, May-June 1998

  • Foster, J. E., and Gallimore, A. D., “The Effect of an Auxiliary Discharge on Anode Sheath Potentials in a Transverse Discharge“, Journal of Applied Physics, 3422-3432, April 1997

  • King, L. B., and Gallimore, A. D., “Approximating Collisional Free-stream Attenuation at Transitional Knudsen Numbers“, AIAA Journal of Propulsion and Power, Vol. 35, No. 3, 574-576, March, 1997

  • King, L. B., and Gallimore, A. D., “A Gridded Retarding Pressure Sensor for Ion and Neutral Particle Analysis in Flowing Plasmas“, Review of Scientific Instruments, Vol. 68, No. 2, 1183-1188, Feb. 1997

  • Gilchrist, B. E., Ohler, S. G., and Gallimore, A. D., “Flexible Microwave System to Measure the Electron Number Density and Quantify the Communications Impact of Electric Thruster Plasma Plumes“, Review of Scientific Instruments, Vol. 68, No. 2, 1189-1194, Feb., 1997

  • Foster, J. E., and Gallimore, A. D., “An Investigation into the Role that a Transverse Magnetic Field Plays in the Formation of Large Anode Sheath Potentials“, Physics of Plasmas, 3 (11), 4239-4249, Nov. 1996

  • Gallimore A. D., Kim, S. W., King, L. B., Foster, J. E., and Gulczinski III, F. S., “Near and Far-Field Plume Studies of a 1 kW Arcjet“, Journal of Propulsion and Power, Vol. 12, No. 1, 105-111, Jan.-Feb., 1996

  • Ohler, S. G., Gilchrist, B. E., and Gallimore, A. D., “Non-intrusive Electron Number Density Measurements in the Plume of a 1 kW Arcjet Using a Modern Microwave Interferometer“, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, Vol. 23, No. 3, 428-435, June, 1995